$50 Yard Sale Find Turns out to be $200,000 Masterpiece


One man's trash is another's treasure


For a handful of years, many people such as myself, and players here alike have been chasing the high of cashing-out on that miracle parlay, odds-defying winner, or life changing slot spin. Well, it turns out we've been spending some of our time looking in the wrong place, as a lucky person in the Hamptons hit the jackpot in an unorthodox way this week. Allen Treibitz, your ordinary art dealer happened to come across a barn sale in the Hamptons, when a painting that looks like a kindergarten class drew it, miraculously caught his attention. He purchased the artwork for $50, later discovering through his research that it was titled "Masset Q.C.I." and created by Carr in 1912. This painting is one of four by Carr set to be auctioned at the Heffel Gallery next month in Toronto, with anticipated bids ranging from $100,000 to $200,000.

Now this begs the question, why not us? This is one of life's true mysteries and own conundrums, how life is either with you or against you at times. Not only does this painting, shown in the link below, look like it was put together with some crayons and drawn with a child's weaker hand, but you cannot for the life of me tell me at first look you thought that was a Grizzly Bear at the top of a totem pole!


They say one man's trash is another man's treasure, and that term surely cannot be true enough when it comes to the absolute luck this man had in the Hamptons. Over the years we've collectively stashed away sports cards, Pokémon cards, old comic books, and hidden treasures in hopes of one day's everything panning out for our retirement funds, and Treibitz snagged the painting for a price where he could’ve bought a round of drinks for all his friends and still had enough left over for a pack of gum.
Still, something about it screamed, “Buy me!”—probably the bear if it could talk, because it just doesn't make much sense unless you're an absolute expert at watercolour painting, and maybe that's just it.

This truly is a love story about Mona Lisa’s bear-loving cousin, and one that could go down as one of the greatest returns in gambling history. As we go back to the drawing board, studying and eager to find ourselves inspired and hopeful of the next big win. Always remember that when the wife asks us to go out to a few yard sales in town, we now look her dead straight in the eyes and say, "Yes Mam" and remember that if the great Allen Treibitz can do it, so can we. If you've ever watched "The Jungle Book" as a child, I'm quite sure this is what they were talking about when singing their hit song "The Bare Necessities".

Happy hunting, and best of luck to all!


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